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Each year, the OMPIC publishes its annual report, which contains:
- The results of deposits of industrial property: patents, brands and industrial designs and models.
- The activity of the Central trade register.
- Implementation activities of the development plan of the OMPIC.
Annual report 2012
Annual report 2011
Annual report 2010
Annual report 2009
Annual report 2007
Annual report 2006
- 2015 horizon (document to download)
- Brands guide (document to download)
- Patents guide (document to download)
- Inventing the Future Practical Guide of Patents (document to download)
- Study on the economic impact of counterfeiting in Morocco: summary memo (document to download)
- Institutional Twinning: performance and results (document to download)
- Study on the impact and the economic potential of brands system in Morocco (document to download)
- Comics: THE MOUBTAKIRS (document to download)